If you are running a custom report, and no data is returned, please follow the steps below to generate a report, which you can then export to Excel for further analysis.
We're still completing optimisation work on report generation, specifically around use of criteria (filters) and sorting display options, and this will be an area of focus over the coming weeks.
To work out where the issue is, and come up with a workaround to gain access to your data in the meantime, please try the following:
- Click on the 3 dots icon to the right of the report in the reports list, and select Edit Reports to load the report editor screen.
- Remove any criteria currently selected in Step 3 - Select Criteria.
- In Step 4 - Table Rows, ensure that the rows are not grouped:
- Check your date criteria. If necessary, reduce the range to "this month" or "this week".
- Click View Report. This will only show the first 10 records in this view, but if you export the report to CSV it should export all the data.
To view a full data set in the product, click Save & Generate. If the "Refresh Report" button is green, the report has finished loading and will display the data found. If the "Refresh Report" is greyed out, the report is still running, so please give it some time until the "Refresh Report" button is green or an error message is returned.
- Finally, click the Export dropdown, and select Export as CSV, the full dataset is exported to Excel and you can use further filters and sorting here in the meantime.
If the report still doesn't run, please Contact support.