You are welcome to send us your comments or suggestions for ways to improve this help centre.
Please let us know if:
- an image, link or video in an article is missing or broken
- some information is incorrect or misleading
- some information is confusing or unclear
- you don't like how a feature in works
- there is something that you want to ask (or tell) us about.
To send us your feedback about an article in this help centre:
- Scroll to the end of the article you want to comment on.
- Click the No button. A short feedback form is displayed.
- Select a reason for sending us feedback.
- If you want us to reply to your feedback, please provide your email address. If you have signed in to the help centre, your email address is entered automatically.
- Tell us what needs changing.
- Click the SUBMIT FEEDBACK button. Your feedback is sent to us as a support ticket.