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Release notes summary
Week beginning 13th Jan 2025
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to write off an invoice if the balance owing is a negative value
- Added the ability to see custom field headings when creating a new job cost
- Added the ability to export job cost tax rates via cost settings
- Added the ability to view more information about a task/cost in the pop-up window on an accepted/declined quote
- Added the ability to retain the existing client/job manager on a job when changing the client that the job belongs to
- Added the ability to navigate to a supplier in Xero via. a deep link in the supplier actions menu
- Added the ability to import new leads
- Added the ability to include cost notes from cost admin when added to a cost with the code PROGRESS-INVOICE or PERCENTAGE-INVOICE and a progress/deposit invoice is created
- Improvements to task/cost description formatting when accepting a quote and it is converted to a job
- Improvements to formatting of task/cost description in task/cost table on the job details page
- Improvements to UI/UX when updating job status on the job manager listing pages (Active Jobs/My Jobs/All Jobs)
- Improvements to Xero integration to use the client order number from the invoice rather than the job when synchronising a sales invoice
- Fixed a bug where invoice progress date was updated to the invoice date if this was changed after creating the draft invoice
- Fixed a bug where stock receipt ID was not automatically incrementing on subsequent stock receipts and was populated as #1
- Fixed a bug where tax didn’t show correctly on a PO bill when a line item had quantity = 0
- Fixed a bug where some users encountered an error when accessing the billing page
- Fixed a bug where marking as paid pre-populated with the invoice amount rather than the balance owing
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- WIP Control
- Estimated Billings
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- Job Task Allocation
Week beginning 6th Jan 2025
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to prefix collaboration manager note with email metadata (from/to/cc/date/subject)
- Added the ability to upload documents to a purchase order
- Improvements to job import data validation for data missing from mandatory fields
- Improvements to the UI/UX, sorting tables on the job financials page by ascending date range
- Improvements to Xero synchronisation for purchase bills and general ledger account code mapping
- Improvements to the Xero integration to prevent intermittent disconnections
- Fixed a bug where assigning an email in collaboration manager to a lead manually resulted in an error
- Fixed a bug where some users encountered an error when accessing the billing page
- Fixed a bug where moving a timesheet that was migrated to WorkflowMax by BlueRock, from a non-billable task to a billable task doesn't update the ledger's billable status
- Fixed a bug where some users encountered a blank dashboard (Safari 15.6 and older)
- Fixed a bug where some recurring jobs were created multiple times as duplicates
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Staff Time Summary
- Client Time Summary
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- Quote
- Lead
Mobile v1.3.0
- Added the ability to assign / re-assign staff to jobs
- Added the ability to edit job information and custom fields
Week beginning 23rd December 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to open files directly in Suitefiles DMS web app rather than downloading the file
- Added the ability to export timesheets to Xero payroll (New Zealand Xero accounts)
- Added the ability to remove a client manager/job manager when editing a job
- Improvements to issuing final actual invoice – includes all WIP timesheets/costs that haven’t been invoiced/written off regardless of invoice date
- Improvements to HubSpot integration sync for clients/contacts
- Improvements to population of custom fields on job brief custom print PDF template
- Fixed a bug where issuing a final quoted invoice did not remove the WIP balances from WIP manager for that job
- Fixed a bug where cancelling an invoice in WorkflowMax may not void the invoice in Xero
- Fixed a bug that prevented documents from showing in the job documents tab in some accounts when a DMS was enabled
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- WIP Control
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- Recurring Job
- Quote Note
- Job Cost
- WIP Ledger
- Job Cost
- Added the ability to request/return characters including macrons via API
Week beginning 16th December 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to manually import invoices from Xero for a specified date range (WorkflowMax Premium feature)
- Added the ability to import client contacts
- Added the ability to import supplier contacts
- Added the ability to import job timesheets
- Added the ability to filter data for empty/null values in custom reports (Step 3)
- Added the ability to enable/disable email notifications via profile settings
- Added the ability to receive an email notification based on job’s estimated vs. actual time
- Added the ability to receive an email notification based on a job task’s estimated vs. actual time
- Improvements to saving updated fixed price values on a quote
- Improvements to Xero integration when using the Xero invoice number sequence
- Improvements to handling of Xero’s rate limits when syncing invoices/bills from WorkflowMax to prevent rate limit exceeded errors
- Improvements when syncing tasks on invoices with Xero where there is a mix of billable hourly rates – synchronise as 1 quantity and the total value rather than using an average hourly rate as the unit price
- Improvements to the HubSpot integration’s job/deal synchronisation mapping of job start/due dates
- Improvements to HubSpot integration setup process – preventing old deals from syncing to WorkflowMax as jobs
- Improvements to UI/UX of weekly timesheet entry when adding new tasks/copying from previous week
- Fixed a bug where some phone numbers failed to sync with HubSpot due a formatting issue
- Fixed a bug when allocating new staff to a job task with allocated hours that may result in a validation error
- Fixed a bug where entering a bill on a purchase order didn’t update the job cost to an actual state
- Fixed a bug preventing the update/deletion of some custom client billable rates
- Fixed a bug where some email notifications (job estimated time vs. actual time) were received multiple times
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Monthly Job Profit
- Job Time Detail
- Fees and Write On/Off
- Client Revenue
- Client Billing
- Estimated Billings
- Staff Time Summary
- Profit
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- Milestone
- Time
- Job Note
- Invoice Cost
- WIP Ledger
- Quote Folder
- Quote Cost
- Job
- Lead
- Job To-do
- Job Document
- Added the ability to edit custom fields for job task
- Added the ability to edit custom fields for job cost
Week beginning 2nd December 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to receive an email notification based on job/job task due date
- Improvements to handling of special characters in Suitefiles DMS integration
- Improvements to task manager – hiding jobs that have a completed status
- Improvements to handling of Xero integration authentication to prevent unexpected disconnections
- Fixed a bug where the supplier name was not displaying in the dropdown when adding a new cost to a job/quote/invoice/PO
- Fixed a bug where custom billable rates weren’t displaying as expected in the job phases tab
- Fixed a bug where NaN displayed in the timesheet widget
- Fixed a bug when attempting to import a CSV file where ‘Do not import’ was mapped to multiple columns and a validation error displayed
- Fixed a bug where the remaining time incorrectly showed as 0 hours on the job task table, if the task didn’t have an estimated time
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- WIP Control
- Sales Tax
- Lost Earnings
- Job Time Detail
- Job Financial Summary
- Job Billing
- Job Cost
- Hours Analysis
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- Job Cost
- Job
- Invoice Phase
- Supplier and Contact
- WIP Ledger
- Job Allocation
- Performance optimisation for the following features:
- Data import (CSV)
Week beginning 25th November 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to integrate with Airwallex to collect payments on invoices via payment links
- Added the ability to see task label in Job Financial Summary (JFS)
- Added the ability to retain the fixed price entered on an invoice line item when toggling between pricing modes (fixed price / calculated price)
- Added the ability to edit the client order number after an invoice has been approved
- Added the ability to see when a report was last used by any staff member in the account
- Added the ability to edit Client Order Number on an approved invoice
- Added the ability to see when a report was last used within an account
- Added the ability to maintain client order number on invoice separate to client order number on job
- Added the ability to sync information to the following WorkflowMax fields when creating a job based on a HubSpot deal:
- Job description
- Client Manager
- Job Manager
- Improvements to handling of invoice numbers when using the Xero sequence
- Improvements to ordering of tasks on the weekly timesheet entry page
- Improvements to sort ordering in Job Financial Summary (JFS)
- Improvements to UX for adding existing quotes to leads
- Improvements to quick find address functionality to show more relevant results based on the account’s location
- Improvements to formatting of custom reports when exported to PDF
- Fixed a bug that resulted in a 500 internal server error when deleting a job task
- Fixed a bug that prevented some Job Estimated Billings Report from being opened when exported as an Excel file
- Fixed a bug that prevented some users from seeing the productivity summary dashboard widget
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Client Billing
- Performance optimisation for the following features:
- Saving timesheets
- Added the ability to select or edit a phase in Job Cost
- Added the ability to select or edit a phase in Job Document
- Added the ability to enter / edit custom fields for timesheets
- Fixed a bug where deleted custom fields are still appearing in the app
Week beginning 18th November 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to generate the Staff Time Write Up report
- Added the ability to generate the Fees and Write On/Off report
- Added the ability to select timesheets from multiple pages when performing bulk activities
- Added the ability to conditionally synchronise clients/contacts with HubSpot based on their lifecycle stage
- Added the ability to retain the fixed price value entered when editing an invoice and changing the pricing mode to/from calculated mode
- Added the ability to edit Client Order Number on an approved invoice
- Added the ability to see when a report was last used within an account
- Improvements to UI on documents tab
- Improvements to formatting when printing Job Financial Summary (JFS) including:
- Displaying task label in the Time summary/Staff efficiency/Non-billable time/Time to be invoiced sections
- Sorting time to be invoiced in chronological order
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- WIP Ledger
- Invoice Task
- Invoice
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Job
- Estimated Billings
- Client Billing
- Profit
Week beginning 11th November 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to generate WIP Control Report
- Added the ability to change cost type (stock/service) when adding a new job cost from an existing cost in cost admin
- Added the ability to bulk include/exclude all tasks/costs when editing an invoice
- Added the ability to send notifications based on job milestone date
- Added the ability to bulk apply markup in the job cost table
- Added the ability to see interim notes on the job financials' estimated billings table
- Added the ability to open global search results in a new tab/window (via right click)
- Added the ability to perform accept/decline/revise actions on the original quote when you cancel/delete its revised version
- Improvements to Collaboration Manager to automatically assign the email if there is more than one job/quote number in the subject
- Improvements to quote options table in custom PDF print templates
- Improvements to invoice approval validation to prevent using the same tax rate twice on a line item
- Improvements to Xero integration’s handling of updates to tracking category names
- Improvements to formatting when exporting a custom report to CSV with grouping enabled (step 4)
- Improvements to handling of special characters in document file names when saving from Collaboration Manager
- Fixed a bug where duplicating a job didn’t copy job costs that didn’t exist in cost admin
- Fixed a bug where default quote PDF template could not be exported to Excel when the file name contained a /
- Fixed a bug where incorrect job contact name exported to Xero for invoices containing multiple jobs in the job description field
- Fixed a bug where tasks are not added below existing tasks when applying an additional template to a job
- Improvements to Airwallex integration onboarding
- Improvements to formatting of email signatures
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Profit
- Job WIP Balance
- Job Time Detail
- Job Time Summary
- Non-Invoiced Time
- Client Time Detail
- Staff Time Summary
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- WIP Ledger
- Job Cost
- Lead Activity
- Invoice Task
- Invoice
- Time
Mobile (v 1.2.7)
- Added the ability to capture new photos from the job documents tab
- Added the ability to populate login details from iOS keychain
- Added the ability to edit or delete job notes and comments
- Added the ability to collapse recent jobs when creating a new time entry
- Added the ability to view phases for job costs
Week beginning 4th November 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to see email address that sent the email as the note’s creator when creating notes via Collaboration Manager
- Added the ability to navigate directly to Xero contact via client actions button when viewing a client in WorkflowMax
- Added the ability to view task/cost detail on a revised/declined/expired quote
- Added the ability to change job when editing an existing timesheet in the Timesheet Manager
- Added the ability to see draft quotes that have expired on the draft tab in Quote Manager
- Added the ability to expand/collapse phases in the Job Task and Job Cost tables
- Added the ability to edit job name/description on an approved invoice
- Improvements to quick find functionality when searching for client/supplier addresses
- Improvements to job template creation from an existing job to retain the task/cost order
- Improvements to [Job Cost] Added by field in custom reports to prevent it from updating when the cost is subsequently edited after being created
- Improvements to HubSpot integration handling of updates to contact <> company associations
- Improvements to timesheet widget error handling
- Improvements to Xero integration when updating client and contact details
- Fixed a bug where WIP/Period lock date wasn’t working as expected in some scenarios
- Fixed a bug where interims were displaying as job costs on the job phases tab
- Fixed a bug where bulk markup in invoices didn’t work as expected
- Fixed a bug where timesheets entered via weekly timesheet entry screen may be incorrectly marked as billable on a non-billable task
- Fixed a bug where deleted staff could not be bulk removed from jobs via the Job Manager listing
- Fixed a bug where syncing a bill to Xero returned a “Bill credit note not of valid status for modification” error
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Staff Time Summary
- Job Financial Summary
- Job
- Client Time Summary
- Billable Time
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- WIP Ledger
- Milestone
- Time Productivity
- Time
Week beginning 28th October 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to generate the following standard reports:
- Non-invoiced Time
- Aged WIP
- Added the ability to see job/quote number in browser tabs (page name)
- Added the ability to upload .7g and .admgzu files
- Added the ability to change weeks in weekly timesheet summary without resetting the filter
- Added the ability to store documents on a lead
- Added the ability to edit information on jobs marked as completed
- Added the ability to choose whether job costs should be copied when duplicating an existing job
- Added the ability to open a read only view of previously submitted timesheets
- Added the ability to see jobs that are marked as 'on hold' in the current job custom report
- Added the ability to see who an invoice email had been CC’d to when sent from WorkflowMax
- Improvements to automatically generate dates when revising a quote
- Improvements to sort ordering in listings by document number
- Improvements to Dropbox authentication process
- Improvements to client/supplier address quick find feature
- Fixed a bug where interims appeared as a job cost on the job phases tab in the cost table
- Fixed a bug where some line items duplicated when copying a previously issued quote that had been created using a quote template
- Fixed a bug that prevented some standard reports being exported to Excel
- Fixed a bug that prevented staff from appearing assigned to a task when re-quoting an existing job with a master quote
- Fixed a bug that prevented some documents from appearing in the documents tab when created via Collaboration Manager
- Fixed a bug that prevented restoring WIP that had previously been written off on jobs migrated from WorkflowMax by Xero
- Fixed a bug that prevented sorting the Task Manager table in some accounts as desired
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Job
- Profit
- Estimated Billings
- Staff Time Summary
- Monthly Job Profit
- Job Financial Summary
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- Job
- Time
- Invoice
- Client & Contact
- WIP Ledger
- Quote Task
- Performance optimisation for the following features:
- Quote Manager – Quote listing
- Job Manager – Job listing
Mobile (v 1.2.6)
- Implemented Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) enforcement for enhanced security
- Resolved an issue causing duplicate cost entries in the cost administration
- Updated the time entry interface to hide recent jobs during job searches for a streamlined experience
- Added the ability to view job milestones
- Added the ability to view job notes phases
- Added the ability to generate the following standard reports:
Week beginning 21st October 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to automatically remember sort order preference in various tables throughout the product
- Added the ability to see the job name for existing timesheet entries in the timer widget
- Added the ability to sort activities by date in Lead Manager
- Added the ability to edit an invoice’s date and due date after being approved
- Added the ability to see a grand total of numerical fields at the end of a custom report
- Improvements to the ordering of tasks/costs to match job on:
- Estimated Billings
- Estimated Billings by Phase
- Invoice
- Job Financial Summary
- Improvements to the sort ordering of line items on Xero invoices synced from WorkflowMax
- Improvements to the formatting of client address on custom print template PDFs
- Improvements to the activities calendar in Lead Manager
- Fixed a bug that prevented Job Financial Summary loading on some jobs
- Fixed a bug that prevented saving multiple draft timesheets using the quick timer widget
- Fixed a bug where editing a client’s details in WorkflowMax, didn’t automatically sync to Xero
- Fixed a bug where actual job costs displayed as 0 cost in the job cost table
- Fixed a bug where some paid invoices showed as –0.00 balance owing
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Profit
- Monthly Job Profit
- Staff Time Detail
- Job Time Detail
- Estimated Billings
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- Work in Progress
- Quote
- Invoiced Time
- Job
- Invoice Note
- Performance optimisation for the following features:
- Timer Widget
Week beginning 14th October 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to delete a timesheet from the weekly timesheet entry screen by changing the duration to 0
- Fixed a bug where some accounts experienced an error when attempting to save timesheets on the weekly timesheet entry page
- Fixed a bug where moving timesheets to a new job didn’t re-calculate the billable amount based on the destination task’s billable rate
- Updated the format of dates in reports exported to CSV to DD-MMM-YYYY format
- Updated sorting of favourite reports in navigation menu to alphabetical order
- Improvements to UI/UX of WIP Manager page and handling of cached values
- Improvements to UI/UX of weekly timesheet entry page navigation
- Improvements to formatting of custom reports exported to PDF
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Weekly Timesheet
- Job WIP Balances
- Job Financial Summary
- Estimated Billings
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- Job Task
- Client & Contact
- Performance optimisation for the following features:
- Job Details – Job Costs
- Job Manager – Job Listing table
- Timesheet Manager – Weekly Summary
- Timesheet Manager – Weekly Entry
Week beginning 7th October 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Released Suitefiles integration (beta access)
- Ability to upload files to Suitefiles
- Ability to view/download files from Suitefiles
- Added the ability to enforce MFA for all users in your account
- Added the ability to define historic rate when updating staff/task default billable rate
- Added the ability to generate Job WIP Balances report
- Added the ability to generate a quoted/estimated invoice based on job task estimates (no accepted master quote) using task billable rates
- UX improvements to Leads Manager dashboard widgets
- Improvements to validation when creating timesheets on a job
- Improvements to Xero invoice sync – task/cost descriptions appear on the next line on Xero invoice
- Improvements to Xero PO bill sync – G/L and tracking category mapping
- Fixed a bug where you couldn’t delete an additional task added directly to a miscellaneous invoice
- Fixed a bug where productivity summary widget on dashboard didn’t appear for some users (WorkflowMax Premium feature)
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- Lead Activity
- Invoice Cost
- Payments
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Staff Billing
- Profit
- Monthly Job Profit
- Client Time Summary
Mobile (v 1.2.5)
- Added the ability to edit a saved time entry
- Added the ability to view additional client information
- Fixed a bug where users cannot see the assigned jobs when entering a time entry
- Released Suitefiles integration (beta access)
Week beginning 30th September 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to view all tasks when adding/editing a job task
- Added the ability to choose whether to update existing timesheets when changing a job task’s billable status
- Added the ability to automatically remember sort order preference in job manager tables
- Added the ability to filter weekly timesheet summary by day when viewing for an individual staff member
- Added the ability to see the email address that sent the email when viewing a note created from collaboration manager
- Added the ability to print selected phase(s) of a quote to a custom PDF print template
- Added the ability to import new jobs
- Added the ability to invoice negative quantity job costs from an accepted master quote
- Improvements to WIP widget on Clients and Client Groups – not showing future dated WIP
- Improvements to CSV export formatting for standard reports
- Improvements to Box DMS error handling
- Fixed a bug where job manager calendar didn’t display some events as expected
- Fixed a bug where current leads by staff member widget showed won/lost leads
- Fixed a bug where printed purchase order shows deleted items
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- Time
- Invoice
- Quote Option
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Staff Time Summary
- Performance optimisation for the following features:
- Purchase Order – Job Selection
Week beginning 23rd September 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Released HubSpot integration (beta access)
- Ability to have an automated one or bi-directional sync of Contact/Client data between HubSpot and WorkflowMax
- Ability to automatically create a job in WorkflowMax when a deal is marked as won in HubSpot
- Added the ability to export the following to an Excel file:
- Standard print templates – Invoice, Quote, Purchase Order, Invoice Statement, Job Brief
- Job, Job Activity, Estimated Billings, Financial Summary
- Timesheet, Timesheet Summary
- Added the ability to delete a role from staff settings
- Added the ability to select tasks/costs from multiple pages when adding to a job/invoice/quote
- Fixed a bug where you were unable to manually overwrite an invoice due date
- Fixed a bug where estimated billings was not automatically re-calculated when bulk approving invoices
- Fixed a bug when saving checkbox custom field data
- Optimised Job Brief generation using a custom PDF print template for accounts with a large number of custom fields
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Staff Time Summary
- Staff Time Detail
- Job Time Detail
- Client Billing
- Billable Time
- Aged Balance
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- Job
- Job Cost
- Invoice
- Performance optimisation for the following features:
- Job details – header and job tasks
- Job timesheets
- Add multiple tasks/costs to job/invoice/quote
- Released HubSpot integration (beta access)
Week beginning 16th September 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to automatically populate client’s email address when emailing invoice statement PDF
- Added the ability to re-quote a job and retain an overwritten billable rate on tasks/costs from the previous accepted master quote
- Added the ability to edit lead details after the lead has been marked as won
- Added the ability to select an existing phase when uploading documents to clients/suppliers
- Added the ability to select a folder in a shared drive as the parent folder when configuring the Google Drive DMS integration
- Added the ability to see Google Workspace files (e.g. Google Docs) when integrated with Google Drive
- Added the ability to delete an unassigned email from collaboration manager
- Added the ability to change a won lead back to being a current lead
- Added the ability to use custom fields on quote custom PDF print templates
- Added the ability to view custom reports in full width on-screen
- Improved formatting of supplier street and billing address on custom print template PDFs
- Improved ordering of data in custom report when grouping (step 4) is enabled
- Improved sorting of various lists throughout the product - including moving timesheets between jobs
- Improved application of templates to jobs by calculating the milestone date(s) based upon the job’s start date rather than today’s date
- Improved formatting of email notifications
- Improved handling of tax names – removing “on income” and “on expenses” when generating PDF print templates when integrated with Xero
- Fixed a bug where some paid invoices were showing as waiting payment
- Fixed a bug where invoices synced to Xero with incorrect tracking categories assigned to line items
- Fixed a bug where phases were duplicated sometimes when accepting a quote to create a new job
- Fixed a bug where a string of characters was being appended to some fields when exporting a custom report to CSV
- Fixed a bug where the job manager field couldn’t be seen when a user had the ‘view assigned jobs’ permission
- Fixed a bug where copying a PO allocated it a PO number when the account was configured to not allocate PO numbers to draft POs
- Fixed a bug where address lookup when adding/editing a client/supplier address wasn’t working
- Fixed a bug where you could only add one task at a time to the weekly timesheet entry screen before having to save your updates
- Fixed a bug where certain invoice merge fields (FolderQuotedAmount, FolderTotalClaimedAmount, FolderPrevAmount) were not populating
- Updated 'Remove from Invoice List’ action to require the invoices create/edit access permission
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Job Time Detail
- Job Time Summary
- Staff Time Detail
- Staff Time Summary
- Estimated Billings
- Aged Balance
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- WIP Ledger
- Work In Progress
- Lead
- Job Cost
- Performance optimisation for the following features:
- Job details – job costs
- WIP manager
- Google Drive DMS
- Job brief generation
Week beginning 9 September 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to email clients from the job using your preferred email client (e.g. Microsoft Outlook) rather than sending from WorkflowMax (configured in user preferences)
- Added the ability to sort timesheets tab when editing an actual invoice by your preferred column (task/staff/date)
- Added the ability to sort job and quote tables by status
- Added the ability to control the order of tasks in the weekly timesheet entry based upon the ‘Job Order’ timesheet setting in organisation settings
- Added the ability to see time credits in estimated billings PDF and estimated billings standard report
- Added the ability to filter invoice listing by clicking the widgets at the top of the invoices dashboard
- Added the ability to upload TIFF and XLSM files as documents
- Added the ability to enter alphabetical characters in the client company number field
- Added the ability to enter special characters in the client/contact phone number fields
- Updated 'Remove from Invoice List’ action to require the invoices full access permission
- Fixed a bug where the CSV export of the job time detail report did not include the timesheet notes
- Fixed a bug where some users could not update their favourite reports
- Fixed a bug where the label for job tasks wasn’t showing in the calendar view
- Fixed a bug where overdue jobs were incorrectly removed from the active jobs tab
- Fixed a bug where you couldn’t bulk accept/decline quotes when viewing for a particular client in client manager
- Fixed a bug where custom reports exported to PDF May 2024 show an incorrect sub-total for time columns
- Fixed a bug when using the browser’s back button in lead manager not directing to the desired page
- Fixed a bug where the invoice due date was not correctly set based upon the organisation settings when creating the invoice from the WIP manager listing
- Fixed a bug where entering a purchase order stock receipt with bill information didn’t update the job cost to be an actual cost automatically
- Fixed a bug where the Cost and Amount mergefield for job costs did not populate correctly when generating a job brief with a custom PDF print template
- Fixed a bug where some users were allocated to a job twice when creating the job if they didn’t have the job manager permission and manually assigned themselves to the job when creating it
- Fixed a bug where aged debtors widget was displaying an incorrect balance for the older bucket in some accounts
- Fixed a bug where costs configured as non-billable in cost admin were being added to the job as billable
- Improved UX when changing a job’s status in the job manager listing without opening the job
- Improved UX by remembering user’s preferred sort order for table listings (partially implemented – further tables will be added in the coming weeks)
- Improved UX when integrated with a document management system (DMS) by including the quote name as part of the folder name that is created in the DMS
- Improved UX/UI by changing overdue jobs that are not complete to a red font in the job listings
- Improved UX of weekly timesheets by sorting in chronological order when printed
- Improved UX of invoice statements by sorting in alphabetical order based on client name
- Improved UX by not overwriting the job’s name when you choose to create a new job with a job template and have already defined the job’s name
- Improved UX when printing a job or job brief to sort milestones in chronological order
- Improved UI by updating standard print template font size to 12pt
- Improved UX by automatically populating client’s email address when sending invoice statements
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Job Time Detail
- Staff Time Summary
- Staff Time Detail
- Estimated Billings
- Job Financial Summary
- Aged Balance
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- Job Task
Mobile (v1.2.2)
- Added the ability to unlock timesheet for users that have the financial permission
- Added the ability to filter by multiple job statuses at once when filtering the job list
- Fixed a bug where the total cost would not automatically update when editing, adding, or deleting a job cost
- Fixed a bug where the supplier field was not automatically populated based on cost admin when creating a job cost and the cost date didn’t automatically default to today’s date
- Fixed a bug where deleted staff/advisor users were appearing in the staff filter
- Improvements to timesheet entry UI/UX by showing the most recently used job tasks when entering a new timesheet
- Improvements to job filter to only show active jobs by default (user can toggle to see all jobs if required)
Week beginning 2 September 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to retain tasks in your weekly timesheet entry that don’t have any time entered for the current week yet
- Added the ability to automatically re-calculate the unit price of a job cost based on the configured markup when creating a purchase order or entering purchase order bills
- Added the ability to BCC multiple collaboration manager email addresses
- Added the ability to export all standard reports to PDF
- Fixed a bug resulting in some invoices being stuck in a ‘pending’ state when syncing to Xero after using the invoice bulk approval feature
- Fixed a bug where some paid invoices were showing as awaiting payment still in the invoice list
- Fixed a bug where some recurring jobs didn’t create as expected
- Fixed a bug where :00 was incorrectly displaying in some custom reports when exported to CSV
- Fixed a bug where some custom reports were unable to be exported to CSV
- Fixed a bug where an additional cost added directly to an invoice was not reported correctly on the Job Financial Summary
- Fixed a bug where you couldn’t edit the unit price of a job cost on the phases tab
- Fixed a bug where the job status was not updated after approving a final invoice based on the organisation’s settings (invoice state)
- Fixed a bug where bulk invoices failed to sync to Xero if they contained a job with no invoiced tasks/costs
- Improvements to the Dropbox & Google Drive DMS integrations error handling
- Improvements to formatting of values when viewing the staff allocation
- Improvements to UI/UX when using grouping (step 4) in custom reports
- Improvements to formatting of the footer in standard print templates
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Job
- Monthly Job Profit
- Job Time Summary
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- Job Task Allocation
- Time
- WIP Ledger
Week beginning 26 August 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to create new clients via import
- Added the ability to create new suppliers via import
- Added the ability to automatically mark a lead as won when you accept a quote that is associated with that lead
- Added the ability to use more than 100 characters in the subject field when emailing from the app
- Added the ability to display the last WIP date for a job using the custom WIP ledger report
- Added the ability to pre-populate lead estimated value based on the quote’s value
- Added the ability to upload IGS files
- Added the ability to export custom reports to PDF
- Improvements to the formatting when exporting standard and custom reports to CSV using time mode (HH:MM) so the data can be used in formulas
- Improvements to revealing the UI/UX when selecting an existing contact’s email address
- Improvements to the API integration with Xero when there is an authentication issue
- Improvements to timesheet permissions to prevent users from editing the staff member on an existing timesheet without the appropriate permission
- Improvements to the lead manager dashboard to use custom colours defined for lead categories
- Improvements to sort order of timesheets when using a time table on an invoice custom print template without a task table
- Sort timesheets chronologically in estimated billings standard report and estimated billings printed from a job
- Update to mandatory fields when creating/editing a client address
- Fixed a bug where a job brief failed to generate using a custom print template when the account has a large number of job custom fields
- Fixed a bug where the leads listing was displaying the lead’s created at date rather than the lead date, which May 2024 have been different if manually edited
- Fixed a bug where you encountered a server error when bulk deleting notes
- Fixed a bug where some customers encountered an error when generating a custom print template due to hidden special characters in their migrated data
- Fixed a bug where you were unable to bulk delete tasks from a draft invoice
- Fixed a bug where stock items could not be physically receipted when creating a new bulk purchase order and adding the items from existing job costs
- Fixed a bug where you couldn’t filter by client when viewing a staff member’s weekly timesheet summary
- Fixed a bug where adding/removing staff from jobs when viewing the job list in clients/client groups/contacts was not working as expected
- Fixed a bug where tasks/costs were not displaying in the intended order on quoted invoices when printed using a custom PDF print template
- Fixed a bug where colons (:) in custom report data were formatted incorrectly when exporting to CSV
- Fixed a bug where some timesheets were unable to be edited and displayed an error that they had been cleared from WIP when they hadn’t
- Fixed a bug when using ContactPosition and ClientAddress merge fields in a quote custom print template
- Fixed a bug where overdue invoices weren't displaying on the approved view of the invoices tab for a particular client/contact/client group
- Fixed a bug where when accepting a fixed price quote with options, the options displayed the calculated price rather than fixed price
- Fixed a bug where deleted staff members do not appear on the job activity PDF
- Fixed a bug where the incorrect statement date populated on the invoice statement custom print template PDF
- Performance optimisation for the following features:
- Job details
- Cost admin
- Bulk purchase order creation
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- WIP Ledger
- Job
- Lead
Week beginning 19 August 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to automatically send email notifications for the following events:
- New job
- New lead
- New job note
- New job document
- Milestone completed
- Added the ability to use <<InvoiceAmountPaid>> merge field in invoice custom print templates
- Added the ability to choose what print template to use when emailing directly from the quote/invoice/purchase order
- Added the ability to navigate directly to the client contact’s profile from a job/quote/invoice
- Fixed a bug where paid invoices still appear when viewing invoices that are overdue or awaiting payment
- Fixed a bug that resulted in recurring jobs not creating new jobs in some accounts as expected
- Fixed a bug where tasks/costs were not consistently ordered when transitioning throughout various stages in the product e.g. Accepted quote becoming a job, applying a job template to a job, creating a new invoice from a job etc.
- Fixed a bug where standard reports displayed a maximum time of 848:59
- Fixed a bug where custom report sub-totals didn’t match the format specified in the account’s settings (decimal or time)
- Fixed a bug where users could not remove their account logo or report logo after uploading it to their business personalisation settings
- Fixed a bug where the incorrect value of a quote was being displayed in the quote summary table when viewing a lead
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Job Time Summary
- Added the ability to automatically send email notifications for the following events:
Week beginning 12 August 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to enter a time credit
- Added the ability to re-use a deleted invoice number when generating a new invoice
- Added the ability to navigate when searching for existing costs using up & down arrows
- Added the ability to navigate between weeks on the My Productivity Summary on the dashboard (WorkflowMax Premium feature)
- Added the ability to create new tasks in an organisation’s settings using the import tool
- Added the ability to update existing costs in an organisation’s settings (cost admin) using the import tool
- Improvements to error handling when Xero API authentication is unexpectedly disconnected
- Improvements to Document Management System (DMS) sync handling to reduce unexpected sync failures
- Improvements to search functionality in the WIP manager table/list
- Fixed a bug where the weekly timesheet export was exporting an incorrect period for some users
- Fixed a bug where some users encountered a 500-error message when creating a new lead
- Fixed a bug where some users encountered a 500-error message when creating or editing a recurring job
- Fixed a bug where some users encountered a 500-error message when editing an existing timesheet and changing the duration to 0 minutes
- Fixed a bug where some users encountered a 500-error message when editing their number sequence
- Fixed a bug where some users encountered a 500-error message when accessing the staff allocation page
- Fixed a bug where some users encountered a 500-error message when opening a quote from the client card
- Fixed a bug where timesheets entries were locked from editing when carried forward on a progress actual invoice
- Fixed a bug where some users encountered a 404-error message when deleting some timesheets
Week beginning 5 August 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to see a sub-total of the value of approved invoices/purchase orders on a job’s financial tab
- Added the ability to WIP manager at a certain date
- Added the ability to import costs into cost admin to create new costs
- Added the ability to view all options (in various dropdown menus) including when entering a timesheet
- Added the ability to manually edit a lead date when creating/editing a lead
- Added the ability to record a reference when entering a sales invoice payment in an account that is not integrated with Xero
- Added the ability to use alphabetical/special characters in the client tax field
- UX/UI improvements to the invoice creation screen when creating a multi-job invoice
- Fixed a bug where invoice costs were not appearing in the same order on a custom PDF invoice print template as they were ordered when creating the invoice
- Fixed a bug where the invoice summary on draft actual invoices was not reflecting values accurately on some invoices
- Fixed a bug that prevented some notifications (staff assigned to job/staff assigned to task/new job cost) from triggering as desired in some instances
- Fixed a bug that prevented some timesheets/job costs appearing if dated today’s date when printing the Estimated Billings PDF for a specific job
- Fixed a bug that resulted in incorrect WIP values being displayed on an individual client or client group’s details page
- Fixed a bug where some users were unable to approve an invoice
- Fixed a bug where the Estimated Billings standard report generated in Client Summary or Job Summary mode did not display the correct values if the report date was changed to a date in the past
- Fixed a bug where exporting a Job Financial Summary (JFS) to CSV May 2024 return an empty CSV file
- Fixed a bug where the lead date was automatically updating to today’s date if the lead was edited
- Fixed a bug where a lead did not appear in a custom report filtered by lead won/lost date if the lead was edited after it was marked as won or lost
- Fixed a bug where the date field was empty when editing an existing job milestone
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Performance optimisation for the following features:
- Document upload
- Billing settings
Week beginning 29 July 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to un-select a contact when it is a non-mandatory field (lead/job/quote/invoice)
- Added the ability to see the total sell price of an invoice phase
- Added the ability to see timesheet notes when printing job activity
- Added the ability to see a sub-total values for each job task when printing the estimated billings for a particular job
- Added the ability to search for staff in the dropdown list when assigning to a job
- Added the ability to see time credits in a job’s estimated billings on the financials tab
- Added the ability to bulk select all/none when filtering standard reports
- Added the ability to automatically save invoice/job description on a draft invoice when it is updated
- Added the ability to cancel an import
- Improvements to invoice naming - Invoices generated in WorkflowMax accounts outside Australia or New Zealand will be titled/named ‘Invoice’ rather than ‘Tax Invoice’
- Improvements to ‘Remember Me’ option when signing in
- Improvements to search functionality on invoice manager
- Improvements to calculation of taxes on quotes that previously resulted in rounding differences when converted to an invoice
- Improvements to mapping when importing invoices from Xero (WorkflowMax Premium feature)
- Fixed a bug where some users were unable to approve an invoice
- Fixed a bug where the job description rather than invoice job description was referenced when exporting the invoice to Xero
- Fixed a bug where task/cost tables were not populating on a PDF custom print template if not nested within a job table
- Fixed a bug where some fixed price draft invoices were showing an incorrect sub-total when a fixed price line item was updated
- Fixed a bug where duplicate jobs were created by recurring jobs feature
- Fixed a bug where some recurring jobs did not create jobs as expected
- Fixed a bug where sales invoices/purchase order bills were not syncing to Xero with the correct G/L account and/or tracking category options
- Fixed a bug where job costs on recurring jobs were created with an incorrect cost date
- Fixed a bug where the ‘Total’ field on the job task table displayed 0 if the job task was marked as complete
- Fixed a bug where the ClientAccountManagerName merge field was not populating correctly
- Fixed a bug where line break formatting was not adhered to when printing a job or job activity
- Fixed a bug where the due date of the job was not correctly set when the job was created by marking a lead as won
- Fixed a bug where the default print template was not displaying the supplier’s address
- Fixed a bug where the time custom report returned duplicate rows if multiple custom fields were chosen as part of step 2
- Fixed a bug where line break formatting was not adhered to in certain custom report fields
- Fixed a bug where some accounts experienced a timeout when searching for a cost in cost admin to add to a job/quote/invoice/purchase order
- Fixed a bug where creating a bulk PO did not follow the supplier’s tax setting
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- Job Task Allocation
- Time
- WIP Ledger
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Estimated Billings
- Performance optimisation for the following features:
- Job Custom Report
- Job Task Allocation Custom Report
- Fixed a bug where client name was not returned in some responses as expected
- Fixed a bug where line breaks were not returned in some responses as expected
- Fixed a bug where some accounts encountered an error when calling the get draft quote endpoint
- Added the ability to use DMS integrations with mobile app
- Added the ability to see task description when editing an existing job task
- Added the ability to see total hours entered for the week on weekly timesheet summary view
- Added the ability to navigate to the immediate previous or next day in the daily timesheet view
- Added the ability to see which job phase a job task belongs to
- Implemented an indicator if the mobile app is offline and unable to connect to the WorkflowMax server
- Improvements to ordering of custom fields
- Fixed a bug where the total cost of a job did not automatically update after creating/updating a job cost
- Fixed a bug where job search did not return results for some accounts
Week beginning 22 July 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to edit a cost’s name after it has been added to a job/quote/invoice/purchase order – including if it has been added from cost admin
- Added the ability to bulk print invoices as a PDF from the invoice listing
- Added the ability to sync sales invoice prepayments and credit notes applied from Xero to WorkflowMax as an invoice payment
- Added the ability to use <<ClientEmail>> merge field on custom PDF print templates
- Added the ability to enter alphabetical characters in the client tax field
- Improvements to automated generation of timesheet notes on quoted invoices – only displaying for timesheets entered after the last invoice date
- Improvements to the UI/UX to sort timesheets in chronological order based on start/finish time entered
- Improvements to the UI/UX to add task label and phase to the timesheet tab when editing an actual invoice
- Improvements to the UI/UX to make it easier to identify cancelled invoices in invoice listing tables
- Fixed a bug resulting in a 500 server error in some accounts when attempting to manually import payments from Xero
- Fixed a bug where actual costs couldn’t be added to the job after issuing a final invoice
- Fixed a bug where the file extension was appearing incorrectly when editing an existing document that had been uploaded to WorkflowMax
- Fixed a bug where costs were not grouping as expected on an invoice custom PDF print template when enabled in the template settings
- Fixed a bug where some users could not disconnect their Dropbox DMS integration
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- Time Productivity
- Milestone
- Purchase Order
- Job
- Performance optimisation for the following features:
- Cancelling an invoice
- Deleting a large number of tasks/costs from an invoice
- Added escaping of XML characters in responses from the API server
Week beginning 15 July 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
Web App
- Added the ability to see a consolidated list view of all tasks assigned to you or within your entire WorkflowMax account (previously referred to as Task Manager)
- Added the ability to import an invoice from Xero and create a new WorkflowMax job based on the Xero invoice reference (WorkflowMax Premium account feature)
- Added the ability to reset all tax rates on a draft quote or draft invoice (only available to Xero integration accounts)
- Added the ability to activate MFA without scanning the QR code (enter authentication code manually)
- Added the ability to add a cost to an invoice with a negative quantity
- Added the ability to enter negative fixed price amounts on an invoice
- Improved handling of special characters/macrons on standard print templates
- Improved handing of rounding differences when exporting invoices to Xero
- Improved validation on job cost import
- Improved validation for file extensions when uploading documents
- Updated client mandatory field validation to make state & country fields optional
- Fixed a bug where tasks can split into several phases upon quote acceptance
- Fixed a bug where using time table on an invoice template only showed timesheet entries for 1 task
- Fixed a bug when generating a quoted/estimated invoice without an accepted quote can lead to tasks showing as having a $0 rate
- Fixed a bug where you couldn’t add an existing quote to a lead
- Fixed a bug where a negative cost added directly to a purchase order did not appear in the job’s estimated billings
- Fixed a bug where the custom time table on a custom PDF print template did not follow date/time format defined in account settings
- Fixed a bug where job cost date did not update to the purchase order bill date
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Estimated Billings
Week beginning 8 July 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
Web App
- Added the ability to automatically send email notifications for the following events:
- Job status change
- Task completion
- New job task
- New job cost
- New job assignment
- Added the ability to create multiple contacts with the same name (removed unique validation)
- Improvements to the UI/UX when entering timesheets using the weekly timesheet entry:
- Automatically reveal the timesheet note entry field when you click into a timesheet cell
- Save all timesheet notes and durations when you click the Save button
- Improvements to the UI/UX when viewing notes on Clients/Suppliers/Quotes/Invoices/Leads so you don’t have to open each note individually
- Improvements to invoice PDF custom print template to still display the billable rate when the job is invoiced using staff billable rate mode and different staff members for that particular task share the same billable rate
- Fixed a bug where a cost’s type (stock or service) and notes were not automatically populating when being added to quotes/jobs/invoices using the add multiple costs feature
- Fixed a bug where the finish time was being rounded when the account had automatic timesheet rounding enabled
- Fixed a bug where editing a timesheet created in duration mode would convert it to start/finish mode if the account had automatic timesheet rounding enabled
- Fixed a bug where you cannot navigate between weeks on the weekly timesheet entry when using particular languages in the web browser (e.g. Spanish, French)
- Fixed a bug where some customers were automatically being logged out throughout the day
- Fixed a bug where un-allocating staff in bulk from the job manager listing screen, didn’t also remove them from task assignments within the job
- Fixed a bug in job cost import where the date was not parsing correctly in some imports
- Fixed a bug where deleted staff members were being displayed when sharing a custom report (Step 5)
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- Time
- WIP Ledger
- Reports generated with Step 4 grouping enabled
- Performance optimisation for the following features:
- Add multiple costs
- Editing custom reports
- Added the ability to view custom field data for jobs/clients/timesheets/job costs/job tasks
- Added ability to view timesheet notes when you have already submitted the weekly timesheet
- Added job number as a prefix to job name on the daily timesheet entry screen
- UX improvement to automatically set job cost date to the date of entry
- Fixed a bug where adding a job cost returned a 400 or 403 error for some users
- Improvements to API infrastructure to extend timeout periods and reduce the frequency of 502/503 errors
- Fixed a bug where some users were reporting a 403 response was returned when attempting to use the POST Job Document endpoint
- Fixed a bug where the job list endpoint was not returning deleted job category names
- Added the ability to automatically send email notifications for the following events:
Week beginning 1 July 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
Web App
- Added the ability to generate and approve an invoice that has no time and a nil calculated value but is overwritten with a fixed price value
- Added the ability to see and create a task’s to-do items in-line on the job’s task table
- Added the ‘Staff’ merge field to the job brief task table
- Added the ability to automatically CC yourself a copy of all emails sent from WorkflowMax (enabled in profile settings)
- Added the ability to enter a 0 in the weekly timesheet entry to clear an existing timesheet entry
- Fixed a bug where copying tasks from the previous week on the weekly timesheet doesn’t display the task labels
- Fixed a bug that resulted in a 500 error when attempting to duplicate a custom report
- Fixed a bug that resulted in the incorrect tax amount being recorded in the invoice footer when importing invoices from Xero (WorkflowMax Premium)
- Fixed a bug where you couldn’t create an invoice from the Client Group page
- Fixed a bug that prevented the user from re-ordering job phases in certain jobs
- Fixed a bug that was preventing some users from being able to edit existing timesheets
- Fixed a bug where the finish time of a timesheet entry was also being rounded based on the organisation’s rounding setting
- Fixed a bug where custom field data wasn’t saving in some instances
- Fixed a bug where you couldn’t sort the recurring job list as desired
- Updated permissions so that Projected Profit, Gross Profit and Gross Profit Margin are only displayed to users that have the Financial and/or Job Financial Summary permission enabled
- UX improvements when creating a new lead
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Staff Time Detail
- Job Time Detail
- Job Billing Report
- Aged Balance Report
- Job Report
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- Job Report
- WIP Ledger
- Performance optimisation updates for the following features:
- Job Manager – Move Timesheets
Week beginning 24 June 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
Web App
- Added the ability to upload CFG, DXF and DWG files
- Added the ability to open a job directly from a timesheet entry on the weekly timesheet entry screen
- Fixed a bug where Job Manager’s calendar wasn’t filtering jobs as desired
- Fixed a bug where PDFs generated (e.g. invoice) contained today’s date rather than the document date
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- Time Report
- Performance optimisation updates for the following features:
- Job Manager – Calendar
- Reporting Permissions - if a user has been added to a report it should appear in their reports table regardless of their permissions
- Added the job number to the PO list view and link to job
- Fixed 0 totals in the job task table so it generates
- Fixed an issue with job numbers are not updating in sequence, numbers are skipped
- Actual job cost flagged as non-billable now show in estimated billings and invoice
- Improved google drive mapping to existing folders from WFM1
- Updated client association so when you delete a contact it is removed from the client details page
- Added the job number field into the quote type custom report
- Update the weekly timesheet page for the individual user to link to the actual jobs
- Updated the formatting of standard and custom print templates for Quotes/Invoices/POs/Job Briefs so they now respect line breaks/stop wrapping text
- Include deleted staff in invoicing process - invoice timesheet screen
- Improvements to importing invoices from Xero - tax is 0 or has wrong tax code
- Removed the word draft from the email file name on invoices
- Added grouping functionality to the Time custom report
- Fixed a bug preventing the Time custom report from generating if [Job Task] Name + Label field is included the report
- Fixed logic so cost now displays even if its non-billable
- Can now include deleted staff in invoicing process - print template
- The PO default template now shows even when you include cost notes
- Fixed standard + custom print templates to hide folder/phase description if there’s no values present
- You can now sort timesheets in chronological order on custom print template
- Released export to csv on printed invoices/quotes/po's/ jobs
- Merge supplier - update supplier ID on existing linked objects rather than replicate
- Fixed custom rates hierarchy review on the Client Time Summary report
- Updated Client Time Standard reports to use ledgers for $ and billable
- Updated Client time detail report doesn't use custom billable rates
- Performance updates on Client time detail report now generating quickly
- Print timesheet summary now has correct timesheet decimal value
- Fixed Incorrect decimal time on print templates Job Brief Custom Print Template - Job Cost - Custom Field
- Job number sequence updates
- Security updates
- Fixed negative quantity line items are showing as 0 on the FE in POs and how it displays on the bill
- Now possible to authorise bill with costs if they're on a final invoice
- Job cost date now saves correctly and doesn’t revert to today’s date
- Improvements to how you can create a negative PO / credit note
- Invoice Custom Template – You can now group by Staff/Task or Staff/Task/Date in a custom invoice template
- Fixed a rounding bug in the job cost import
- You can now sort documents by date descending
- Fixed the timer date that was defaulting to UTC rather than local times
- Fixed auto number sequencing that was interfering when not revising a quote
- Fixed a bug with the revising quote sequence, fixed quotes that have been saving to Q1 or Q2
- Hot fix WIP ledger custom report group by logic
- Fixed a discrepancy on an invoice custom template when a task is inside a folder table
- Fixed permissions on job Profit should only be visible to users with Financial and/or Job Financial Summary privileges
- Improved Xero invoice import to remove double tax in invoice summary
- Cost Import - Date DD/MM/YYYY (less than 10 days) + billable validation
- Removed 'Powered by WorkflowMax by BlueRock' from email footer
Week beginning 17 June 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
Web App
- Added client quick actions dropdown button to improve UX
- Added ability to use Client & Contact custom fields on a quote custom PDF print template
- Added the ability to use salesperson custom field on a quote custom PDF print template
- Added the ability to use Dropbox team folders with the Dropbox DMS integration
- Added the cost date column to the job cost table when adding job costs to a purchase order
- Added the ability to edit a cost’s note field when entering a PO bill
- Added the ability to create a progress invoice using a decimal percentage (e.g. 12.5%)
- Added the ability to attach documents uploaded to the job when emailing a PO to a supplier
- Added the ability to enter a cost from the dashboard (quick entry)
- Added the ability to comment on lead notes
- Added the ability to open a purchase order directly from the job cost table
- Improvements to PDF print templates to use regional tax name (e.g. GST, VAT) rather than ‘Unknown Tax’ if the tax name was not included in migration data
- Fixed a bug where the timesheet’s billable status did not automatically update if you edited a timesheet and chose to move it to a different job task
- Fixed a bug where time is incorrectly rounding down to the nearest interval rather than up when entered via. the time widget
- Fixed a bug that resulted in a 500 error when attempting to duplicate a custom report
- Fixed a bug that resulted in a 500 error when attempting to duplicate a quote
- Fixed a bug where completed milestones are not displayed as completed in the Job Brief PDF
- Fixed a bug where a purchase order would not allow you to enter a bill where the quantity of a line item is 0
- Fixed a bug where staff with the Job Financial Summary permission sometimes could not generate the Job Financial Summary
- Fixed a bug where staff could not access a job’s financial tab, when they had an invoice/quote/purchase order permission
- Fixed a bug where some staff could edit the billable state of a timesheet being entered via the Quick Entry pop-up window when they didn’t have the appropriate permissions
- Fixed a bug where quote line items were incorrectly being calculated based on 2 decimal place rounding of the from HH:MM to decimal
- Fixed a bug where custom reports exported to CSV included the ID appended to the text
- Fixed a bug where negative line items exported to Xero invoices/bills incorrectly
- Fixed a bug where some users could not see a custom report shared with them when they didn't have the report builder permission
- Fixed a bug where the total field on the job task table would continuously show a spinner rather than 0.00
- Fixed a bug where job numbers were occasionally skipping a number in the sequence in some accounts
- Fixed a bug where migrating customers could not re-link to some existing Google Drive folders when using the DMS due to trailing spaces in the folder name from WorkflowMax by Xero
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Estimated Billings Report
- Client Revenue Report
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- Time
- Job
- Client & Contact
- Performance optimisation updates for the following features:
- Job Manager – Job Details
- Job Manager – Job Financial
- Custom Report Builder - Edit
- Enhancements to the migration tool including:
- Added the ability to perform a ‘split’ document migration into a account that has already completed an account data migration (without overwriting the existing account data)
- Skipping documents that encounter migration errors and continuing with the remaining documents
Mobile App
- Added the ability to enter timesheets in HH:MM format
- Added the ability to use the device’s auto spell correction when entering notes/timesheets
- Added the ability to call a client’s phone number from the app
- UX improvements to the daily timesheet summary:
- Ability to see total duration of saved timesheet entries
- Ability to see start and end time of timesheets (not available if using duration mode)
- Order timesheets in chronological order (not available if using duration mode)
- Fixed a bug that prevented migrated users without the job manager and view only job permissions to see their jobs when entering a timesheet
- Fixed a bug where searching for a job returned no results
- Fixed a bug that prevented editing or deleting a job cost
- Fixed a bug where the timer mode duration is reset back to 0:00 when selecting a job in the timesheet entry screen
- Extended the duration that you remain signed in for when you click ‘Remember Me’ on the sign in page
Week beginning 10 June 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Ability to navigate to WorkflowMax items via clickable links in some custom reporting fields (e.g. Job Number, Client Name etc.)
- Ability to import invoices from Xero to WorkflowMax where the Xero invoice reference matches a WorkflowMax job number
- Ability to import job costs from a CSV
- Ability to automatically generate using the last used template (standard or custom)
- Ability to remember your standard template customisation options
- Ability to see the details of a timesheet when reviewing an approved invoice
- Ability to add a negative cost to an invoice (creating a discount or credit note)
- Ability to merge clients
- Updated/optimised queries for the following documents printed from a job:
- Job Financial Summary
- Updated/optimised queries for the following Custom reports:
- WIP Ledger
- Time
- Job
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Staff time detail
- Staff time summary
- Client billing report
- Monthly job profit
- Updates to sort notes by date descending to improve UX
- Updates to documents table when you have a DMS enabled to show paginated results to improve UX
- Fixed a bug where attachments received via. collaboration manager were not uploaded to the DMS correctly
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't navigate between staff on the weekly staff timesheet summary
- Fixed a bug where task to-dos weren't saving correctly when editing a job template
- Fixed a bug where the custom field link wasn't opening a new tab as intended
- Fixed a bug where the WIP widget displayed non-billable costs
- Fixed a bug where you could not search the job cost table
- Fixed a bug where you could not generate a custom print template PDF when the file path included a /
- Fixed a bug where custom field data was not saving in some accounts
- Performance optimisation updates for the following features:
- Edit custom report
- Job details
Week beginning 3 June 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Release mobile application to iOS and Android devices – including the ability to do the following:
- Create/update/delete timesheets
- View job information
- Create/update/delete job tasks
- Create/update/delete job notes
- Upload/download job documents
- Create/update/delete job costs
- View client information
- Ability to allocate a PO number to a draft PO
- Ability to create notes/upload documents by BCCing the collaboration manager email address
- Ability to create notes via collaboration manager directly to a particular lead by emailing its unique email address
- Ability to mark a closed purchase order as partially received and receive further items
- Ability to manually sort job costs by date or enforce this as an organisation setting
- Ability to define default email subjects
- Ability to export job brief to Microsoft Word when using a custom print template
- Ability to search by cost code when adding new costs
- Updates to tab titles in the browser to show the job/invoice/quote number and name to improve UX
- Updates to default sort order in dropdowns to improve UX
- Updated/optimised queries for the following documents printed from a job:
- Estimated Billings
- Job Financial Summary
- Job Activity
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Job Financial Summary
- Estimated Billings
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- Invoice time report
- Supplier and contact report
- Hid completed tasks from the timer widget when entering a timesheet
- Fixed a bug where assigned jobs weren’t showing in the My Jobs dashboard widget and/or My Jobs list for some users
- Fixed a bug where a new job’s name did not populate from the job template
- Fixed a bug where adding a note on the weekly timesheet view cleared un-saved timesheet entries
- Enhancements to the migration tool including:
- Fixed a bug that resulted in some documents failing to migrate
- Ability to migrate draft PO numbers from WorkflowMax by Xero
- Optimisation of the following API endpoints:
- Create job cost
- Get supplier list
- Get custom field data
- Get current purchase orders
- Get client group
- Release mobile application to iOS and Android devices – including the ability to do the following:
Week beginning 27 May 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to use Box as a Document Management System (DMS)
- Added the ability to edit the time and billable rate on a quoted invoice
- Added the ability to open job tasks and milestones from the calendar in Job Manager
- Added the ability to navigate to the weekly timesheet from the dashboard
- Favourite clients & suppliers will now appear in dropdowns by default without needing to search for them
- Improvements to Job Financial Summary (when generated from the job)
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- Time
- Job
- Fixed a bug where custom reports were failing to generate when using certain filters
- Fixed a bug where custom reports failed to export to CSV if the report name contained special characters
- Fixed a bug where special characters/accents/macrons in custom reports did not export correctly to CSV
- Fixed a bug where the supplier email address did not populate automatically when emailing a PO
- Performance optimisation updates for the following features:
- Custom print template generation
- Invoice
- Quote
- PO
- Job Brief
- Standard report generation
- Client Time Summary
- Client Time Detail
- Staff Time Summary
- Staff Time Detail
- Job Manager – Jobs details when the job has a large number of tasks/timesheets/costs
- Job Manager – Job Listing
- Settings – Capacity
- Custom print template generation
- Enhancements to the migration tool including:
- Fixed a bug that resulted in some migrations failing when migrating documents
Week beginning 20 May 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Improved UX to retain pagination when sorting tables sitewide
- Added the ability to display timesheet notes on the Estimated Billings PDF
- Added the ability for fixed prices to automatically populate on a quote when re-quoting a job that had a previously accepted fixed price quote
- Added the ability to configure hours per day KPI as a decimal figure
- Added the ability to filter weekly timesheet by any first day of the week
- Added text wrapping to standard and custom reports that display on-screen
- Added the ability to delete a lead
- Added the ability to email a client contact from the job and store this email in notes as a record
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Job Time Detail
- Job Time Summary
- Extended email invitation expiry to 7 days
- General improvements to Xero integration when syncing invoices and bills
- Fixed a bug where custom invoice print template didn’t show all timesheets when using the << Time >> table
- Fixed a bug where owner names were not displaying in lead manager
- Fixed a bug where Google Drive Document Management System (DMS) did not correctly map to existing WorkflowMax by Xero folders when they contained a trailing space in the folder name
- Fixed a bug where not all emails in the collaboration manager inbox could be seen due to being unable to scroll to the bottom of the list
- Fixed a bug where My Tasks widget on the Dashboard does not display all tasks as expected
- Performance optimisation updates for the following features:
- Adding/editing costs on quotes
- Enhancements to the migration tool including:
- Extending maximum duration for larger accounts
- Import to-dos on job templates
- Import lead notes into the note description field for improved readability
Week beginning 13 May 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to use Dropbox as a Document Management System (DMS)
- Added support for tax rates in Xero that contain decimals (not a whole number)
- Added the ability to sync sales credit notes to Xero
- Updated/optimised queries for the following custom reports:
- WIP ledger
- Time
- Fixed a bug that resulted in some payments from Xero not syncing to invoices
- Fixed a bug where the cursor May 2024 randomly relocate in the text entry field whilst typing
- Fixed a bug where generating a custom print template failed due to the custom field name contained a colon
- Fixed a bug where data was missing when exporting standard Staff Time Detail Report to CSV
- Improvements to quoted, previously claimed, claimed incl. this invoice and balance remaining fields on custom print templates
- Performance optimisation updates for the following features:
- Job Manager - Staff Job Allocation
- Job Manager – Staff Task Allocation
- Client Manager – Leads/Quotes/Jobs/Invoices tabs
- Google Drive - Documents
- Enhancements to the migration tool including:
- Performance optimisation
- Handling of missing files
Week beginning 6 May 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to open 'link' custom field types in a new window
- Added the ability to see full account name of the current logged in account by hovering over the account switcher dropdown
- Added the ability to see jobs you are assigned to on the 'My Jobs' tab in Job Manager
- Added the ability to only include WIP entries up to the invoice date when generating an actual time/costs invoice
- Updated/optimised queries for the following standard reports:
- Staff Time Summary
- Client Time Summary
- Client Time Detail
- Job Time Summary
- Job Time Detail
- Monthly Job Profit
- Job Financial Summary Report
- Performance optimisation updates to improve the load time of the following custom reports:
- Time Productivity
- Time
- Quote
- Purchase Order
- Leads
- Job
- Current Job
- Job Cost
- Invoice
- Improved the export to CSV functionality in the custom report builder
- Improved error handling when syncing purchase order bills to Xero
- Improved filtering functionality on the Jobs, WIP, Quotes and Clients listings
- Improved UX to optionally open links in a new tab/window
- Fixed an issue where recurring jobs were generated at the incorrect time or were missing some template data
- Fixed an issue where an error displayed when trying to save a timesheet whilst using the inherit from job setting when the task member was not assigned to the task
- Fixed an issue that prevented some users from being able to Print Timesheets
- Fixed an issue where the productivity summary shows an incorrect weekly performance %
- Fixed an issue in the migration tool where some jobs/milestones showed an incorrect date due timezone conversion
- API - Updated the response returned when OAuth token renewal failed
- Performance optimisation updates for the following features:
- Editing an invoice
Week beginning 29 April 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to automatically populate timesheet notes into the task or invoice description when creating an invoice
- Updated the timer widget to display the name of labels on tasks after they have been selected from the dropdown menu
- Updated the My Jobs dashboard widget to exclude jobs that are on hold, completed or cancelled
- Updated the logic for automatically applying tax rates to new task/cost items when integrated with Xero
- Fixed an issue where custom fields were not populating when generating a job brief custom print template PDF
- Fixed an issue where some migrated quotes did not display in the My Quotes widget on the dashboard
- Fixed an issue where purchase order bills did not sync to Xero if the supplier didn't have any contacts associated with it
- API - Fixed an issue where the POST Job endpoint returned a 500 response after successfully creating a new job
- API - Added pagination to the purchase order list endpoints
- API - Added client manager and job manager to response when calling GET Job list endpoints
- Performance optimisation updates for the following features:
- Quote listing
- Accepting/declining a quote
- Viewing a quote
- Search in task/cost tables
- Job manager - staff allocation
Week beginning 22 April 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to see a timesheet's start and end time on various timesheet tables throughout the product (without having to open the timesheet entry window)
- Added the ability for the account owner to reset a staff member's multi-factor authentication (MFA)
- Fixed an issue that caused some Xero accounts to intermittently disconnect
- Fixed an issue where job costs set to actual in a job template were added to a job as an estimated cost
- Performance optimisation updates for the following features:
- Viewing timesheets on a job
- Creating a new quote
- Approving an invoice
- Creating an invoice
Week beginning 15 April 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to see timesheet notes on various timesheet tables throughout the product (without having to open the timesheet entry window)
- Job Financial Summary will consolidate job costs into the same line if they have the same name and are in the same phase
- Added the ability to define the number of rows to display in tables by default in your profile settings
- Added the ability to show the staff allocation in the job task table
- Added the ability to see a cost's supplier, unit cost, unit price and SKU when adding it to a quote/job/invoice/purchase order from cost admin
- Added the ability to delete an invoice that included an interim line item
- Added the ability to subscribe for Standard or Premium including updates to settings/navigation to show the relevant features
- Added the ability to flag a timesheet as billable or non-billable when being entered using the enter timesheet pop-up window
- Added the ability to amend the tax rates used on a particular cost line item when ordering a bill for a purchase order
- Added the ability to see to-do items on a completed task
- Added the ability to bulk edit jobs in job manager (status/start date/due date)
- Hidden cancelled and completed jobs when creating a new purchase order
- Updates to various timesheet entry screens to consider the active subscription (Standard/Premium), staff member's currently working status and staff task allocation mode to determine what staff member/task time available when entering a timesheet
- [Premium accounts] Job Financial Summary will only show actual profit & write up (off) amount after the final invoice
- Consolidated tasks with different labels into one row in job financial settings when editing a job's custom task rates
- Improved UX when entering timesheets from the dashboard
- Fixed an issue where jobs with a nil work in progress balance showed in the work in progress listing
- Fixed an issue where an active timer could not be deleted when clicking the trash can icon
- Fixed an issue where jobs/tasks did not appear in the order defined in organisation settings
- Enhancements to the migration tool including:
- Added the ability to migrate job & quote folder descriptions
- Displaying the quote/job/client/supplier name that relates to a particular missing file
- Performance optimisation updates for the following features:
- Adding a cost to a job or quote
- Work in progress manager listing
- Cancelling and deleting invoices
- Launched Implementation Partner/Certified Advisor Portal
Week beginning 8 April 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Various issue fixes
Week beginning 1 April 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Added the ability to navigate to a linked client/supplier directly from a job/quote/invoice/PO
- Added the ability to email customers and suppliers custom print template PDFs
- Added the ability to export custom print template PDFs to Microsoft Word
- Added the ability to define your sender name and default email subjects
- Added the ability for number custom fields to support negative values
- Added the ability to report on archived client data in custom reports
- Updated the logic for the grouping/summarising of data on custom reports
- Added the ability to generate an Estimated Billings standard report
- Updated the logic to ensure tasks/costs/phases remain in a consistent order when passing between different objects (e.g. quote to a job) and when generating custom a custom print template PDF
- Ability to filter the following standard reports:
- Estimated billings report
- Staff time detail report
- Staff time summary report
- Job time detail report
- Job time summary report
- Client time detail report
- Monthly job profit
- Staff billing report
- Profit report
- Job report
- Client revenue report
- Aged balance
- Updates to the migration tool including:
- Adding the ability to choose between a 'trial' and 'final' migration that includes or excludes migrating your documents respectively
- Allow duplicate quote numbers to be imported from WorkflowMax by Xero
- Fixed an issue where applying criteria in custom reports (step 3) May 2024 result in the report failing to show any data
- Fixed an issue where the Time Productivity custom report failed to load in some accounts
- Fixed an issue where duplicate rows appeared for the same job in the standard Profit Report
- Fixed an issue where the purchase order remaining to be billed quantity was not automatically reducing based upon previously entered bills
- Fixed an issue that caused the Job Brief and Job PDF standard templates to not generate for some jobs
- Fixed an issue where adding/editing a cost on a quote didn't populate all the related information from cost admin
- Fixed an issue where timesheet entries entered via the weekly timesheet were not automatically being marked by default as non-billable if the task was non-billable
- Ability to filter the following standard reports:
- Client time summary
- Client billing
- Billable time
- Job billing
Week beginning 25 March 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Ability to filter the following standard reports:
- Client time summary
- Client billing
- Billable time
- Job billing
- Ability to display the company logo when generating standard reports in PDF format
- Improvements to custom reporting module including handling of custom field data & enhancements to WIP ledger report
- Enhanced logic for calculating the progress of a job that is displayed in job listing tables
- Improved error handling when syncing invoices/bills to Xero with an unknown G/L account code
- Fixed an issue whereby capacity reducing and non-billable time entries displayed incorrectly in the Productivity Summary on the Dashboard
- Improvements to the usage of dynamic merge fields when syncing invoices to Xero
- Enhancements to generating custom print template PDFs including:
- Processing special characters and line breaks
- Ability to hide the tasks and/or costs table if there are no rows
- Performance optimisation updates for the following features:
- Quote Manager - Quote details
- API - various endpoints
- Ability to filter the following standard reports:
Week beginning 18 March 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- “My Tasks” on the dashboard now populates with all assigned tasks.
- Increased size of various fields throughout the product to accommodate storing more data.
- Export PDF button now downloads the last generated PDF (including custom templates).
- Increased size limit of quote/estimate custom print template to 5MB.
- Extended the range of file types that can be uploaded to documents tab.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in client manager/job manager not consistently saving on jobs.
- Added the ability to print timesheet summary and timesheets from the Timesheet Manager.
- Improvements to application of hierarchy of custom billable rates.
- Improvements to the handling of account codes and taxes when syncing invoices/bills to Xero.
- Enhanced particular custom reports with additional fields (e.g. Job Status).
- Improvements to application of filters throughout custom reports.
- Release of filters for various standard reports.
- Added the ability to edit leads that have been marked as won or lost.
- Fixed an issue that prevented some users from adding a new cost directly to a purchase order.
- Able to see on a bulk purchase order which job a particular cost is associated with
- Performance optimisation updates for the following features:
- Invoice Manager – View Invoice
- Invoice Manager – Approve Invoice
- Lead Manager - Lead details
- Lead Manager - Lead listing
Week beginning 11 March 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some invoice reports showing multiple rows per invoice instead of one.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some final invoices unable to be approved.
- Fixed an issue whereby some migrated purchase order (PO) were not being allocated a PO number upon approval.
- Ability to add time to a task that has been deleted from task admin.
- Ability to create a new cost directly on a purchase order without having to add it to cost admin first.
- Ability to generate and send PDF statements to customers.
- Improved email deliverability when sending documents to clients & suppliers.
- Performance optimisation updates for the following features:
- Job Manager - Job financial tab
- Job Manager - Job timesheet tab
- Job Manager - Creation process
- Job Manager - Staff allocation
- Editing a client, client group or client contact
- Invoice Manager - Creation process
- Quote Manager - Bulk deletion
- Updates to the migration tool including:
- Fixed an issue that caused some custom field data not to migrate.
- Allow duplicate quote numbers to be imported from WorkflowMax by Xero
Week beginning 4 March 2024
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Automatically delete invoice payments in Xero when they have been deleted from .
- Performance optimisation updates for the following features:
- Job Manager – Job Listing
- Job Manager – Job Details
- Invoice Manager – Invoice Listing
- Clients Manager
- PO Manager – Issuing a new PO
- PO Manager – Receipting a PO
- Dashboard.
- Improved error handling when syncing duplicate contact names to Xero
- Enhancements to migration tool allowing for the following to sync successfully:
- Duplicate quote numbers
- Blank cost names in jobs and purchase orders.
- Adding an existing quote to a lead, links the existing quote rather than creating a new duplicate quote.
- Ability to enter timesheet on behalf of staff who haven’t accepted their account invite yet.
- Re-arrange timesheet screen so custom fields are presented after the timesheet note and billable toggle.
- Added job status field to various custom reports.
- Released staff time summary and detail standard reports.
- Increase length of custom print template name and description fields.
- Fixed an issue where applying additional templates was not updating the allocated number of hours correctly.
- Client manager and job manager now populate by default on new jobs.
- Ability to unmark financial documents as sent once issued to a client/supplier.
- Ability to see financial documents on job financials tab as inc. and exc. sales tax.
Week beginning 26 February 2024
Migration tool is live
- Nearly 80% of migrations are coming across successfully.
- We’ve seen some minor errors where a handful of records fail to be created but the migration proceeds to the finish and the user can still access their account and 99% + of their data.
- We're reviewing every migration individually and logging the results to trace issues and aid as a reference for inbound support enquiries.
- The reasons for errors sometimes require a code fix on WorkflowMax by Xero side because of missing files in the CSV export, PO receipts being populated with blank cost names or duplicate quote numbers.
- Or they require development fixes on the side because of corrupt document/file paths due to special characters contained in the filename (e.g. []/*) validation failing unexpectedly e.g. the migration tool thinks a particular cell is null when it isn't.
- These errors are usually quick to diagnose and resolve and will reduce over the next month as we apply code fixes.
Releases and fixes deployed this week
- Product performance and reliability is a key area of focus. We have dedicated developers working on optimising high usage areas of the product to speed up page load times. This is an always on program of work, but users will see big improvements over the coming weeks.
- Generating PDFs from custom print templates fix – now working as planned however, if you do encounter any issues, please contact our support team.
- Standard reports are now available in migrated accounts.
- Ability to define the zero-tax rate to use for a particular supplier or customer when connected to Xero.
- Fixes for the migration issues noted above have been released.
- Work in progress manager – we are continuing to work on this feature with re-factoring/optimisation to make loading smoother for users.
- Fixed an issue that arose when searching for clients that resulted in an internal server error.
- Fixed an issue where some general ledger accounts were missing from the task/cost mapping dropdowns when integrated with Xero.
- The ‘Quick Add Time’ feature on the dashboard is now displaying for accounts that don’t have the administrator permission.
- Issuing a quoted/final quoted invoice shows the correct amount for actual tasks/costs line item rows that are included on the invoice.
- Ability to navigate backwards and forwards between weeks in the weekly timesheet entry view.
- Ability to add additional items when receiving stock.
- Fixed an issue that caused some bulk POs not to appear on a job’s financial tab.
- UI updates to reduce the font size of text in tables (e.g. job manager listing) and improve the truncation.
- Fixed an issue that caused lead owner’s names not to appear in the leads manager listing table.
- Update migration tool to migrate client addresses in a multi-line format.