You can use a combination of Xero general ledger (GL) account codes and Xero tracking categories Xero Tracking Categories allow you to report on your financial information at a more granular level in Xero (once your WorkflowMax - Xero interface is set up). For example, you might set up your Catering - Weddings and Catering - Functions job categories so that they use a Xero tracking category called Sales Region. This would allow you to report on your catering work, broken down by region. to extend the integration between WorkflowMax and Xero.
For further details, refer to the Xero help article on Xero tracking categories.
Mapping of account codes
Mapping of account codes between WorkflowMax and Xero is possible at three different levels.
If no account mapping is specified at Level 3 (task/cost) or Level 2 (job category), transactions will be coded to Level 1 (the default income and cost of sales accounts).
Points to consider when setting up account mappings
- All task and cost lines are 'sales' and are therefore mapped to revenue (income) accounts in Xero.
- Discounts or credits, which are processed as 'negative costs' in WorkflowMax must therefore be mapped to an income account, NOT to an expense or cost of sales account.
- All purchases are mapped to an expense account (or cost of sales accounts).
- Incorrect mapping of accounts will result in an error message similar to:
Invoice export to Xero completed with errors.
Level 1: Default sales and income GL account codes in Xero
The default mapping level is set up when the Xero interface is set up. For example, you can specify a single generic Income Account and a single generic Cost of Sale Account:
Income Account = 200 - Sales
Cost of Sale Account = 300 - Purchases
Once the Xero interface has been set up:
- all sales will go to the specified Income Account and all purchases will go to the specified Cost of Sale Account by default.
- additional fields become available on the WorkflowMax job categories (Level 2 below) screen, and on the tasks and costs screens (Level 3 below). These fields allow you to apply account codes and tracking categories in these areas if you wish.
Level 2: Using GL account codes and tracking categories with job categories
The second level of mapping is set up using job categories Job categories are primarily a way to group various types of jobs (or tracking categories in Xero) together for reporting and viewing purposes. Whenever a job is invoiced, the information specified in the category, such as Xero Tracking Category, Income Account and Cost of Sale Account, is brought across in the invoices that flow through to your accounting system. . Any account codes you specify in a job category will be used instead of the default (Level 1 above) sales and income accounts.
You can use specific account codes with each job category, as required. For example:
Job Category Name = Catering - Weddings
Income Account = 10002 - Sales - Catering - Weddings
Cost of Sale Account = 20002 - COS - Catering - Weddings
Job Category Name = Catering - Functions
Income Account = 10003 - Sales - Catering - Functions
Cost of Sale Account = 20003 - COS - Catering - Functions
You can also use the Xero Tracking category fields to link your WorkflowMax job categories to Xero tracking categories.
For example, you might set up your Catering - Weddings and Catering - Functions job categories so that they use a Xero tracking category called Sales Region. This would allow you to report (in Xero) on your catering work, broken down by region.
Level 3: Using GL account codes and tracking categories with tasks and costs
Account codes and tracking categories can also be used with tasks and costs, in the same way as with job categories.
Any account codes or tracking categories you specify in a task or a cost will be used instead of the ones specified in:
- your (Level 2) job categories, or in
- your default (Level 1) Xero integration setup.