Recurring monthly billing jobs are available for Premium accounts only. Non-WIP jobs are available in both Standard and Premium accounts.
Monthly invoicing in Xero
If you have regular jobs that you work on throughout the year, such as monthly advertising campaigns, you can invoice your clients for the work by using monthly recurring invoices in Xero. allows you to import these monthly invoices from Xero, to make sure that the revenue is attributed to the correct client.
The time you record in against recurring jobs that are invoiced in Xero, will accumulate as WIP Work In Progress in is all uninvoiced staff time and disbursements recorded on client jobs. .
Even though you record time against these jobs in , you don't need to create invoices for them in . This is because the recurring invoices, which are set up in Xero, will be imported against the job you have specified, reducing the outstanding WIP balance.
At the end of the job, do one of the following:
- Create a Final invoice and mark all time and costs as invoiced or written off.
- Instead of invoicing the remaining time and costs to write any balances off, you can write off any remaining WIP and "wash up" the job, attributing any write on In , a write on is an increase in the amount you will charge for time or costs (or both). For example, you might do this if you charge a minimum of an hour's time for the first hour worked even if you worked less than this. See also: Write off. or write off In , a write off is a reduction in the amount you will charge for time or costs (or both). For example, if an inexperienced employee spends more time on a job than expected, you might charge for less time than was actually worked. See also: Write on. to the staff who have entered time on the job. To do this, use the Remove from Invoice List option (on the job's Job Actions button).
Non-WIP jobs
To prevent the recorded time (from recurring jobs, for example) from accumulating as WIP, you can use the Exclude from Estimated Billings checkbox.
To view or set a job's Exclude from Estimated Billings checkbox, simply open the job Details tab in the Job Manager. The checkbox is at the end of the Job Information, General section.
If the Exclude from Estimated Billings checkbox for a specific job is:
- selected:
- Any billable time or costs for the job will not be included in the Est Billings (estimated billings) column in the Work in Progress manager (the time or costs will still be included in the total WIP and Time/Cost/Deposits columns, however).
When viewing any phases Phases allow you to organise your job tasks, milestones, costs, notes or documents into logical groups for costing, reporting and management purposes, providing you with greater visibility and context. Phases are specific to each job, so if you create phases for one job they will not be available to another job. Job templates can contain phases and those phases can be pre-populated with selected tasks, costs and milestones. used by the job, the New Progress Invoice and New Final Invoice options will not be available.
On the job's Financials tab:
- the Financial Settings and Estimated Billings sections will not be visible
- the New Progress Invoice, New Final Invoice, and Print Estimated Billings options will not be available.
- The job will not appear in the Estimated Billings Report, or have a value in the Estimated Billings column in the Report Builder.
- deselected: any billable time or costs for the job will be included in the Est Billings (estimated billings) column in the Work in Progress manager.
Recurring jobs
The Exclude from Estimated Billings checkbox is also available for recurring jobs. If you select the checkbox when creating a recurring job, it will be selected in each job created by the recurring job rule.
Upgrading to Premium
If you are interested in upgrading to Premium you can do this yourself by following the instructions in the article Change your subscription plan (Standard or Premium). If you have any questions about the upgrade, please contact support.