There are some jobs that will appear in the WIPWork In Progress in is all uninvoiced staff time and disbursements recorded on client jobs. list in the WIP Manager that you may want to remove. For example:
- ‘Internal’ (non-billable) jobs and other jobs that will never be invoiced out.
- Jobs with very small amounts of WIP, which you may choose not to invoice out to the client.
- Jobs where you know the client will never pay, and the value of the work done must be written off.
You can also remove a job from Work in Progress directly from within the job itself, by using the Job Options > Remove from Invoice List option. This option is visible only when there is WIP on the job. For details, see Recurring monthly billing and non-WIP jobs.
Removing the jobs
To remove one or more jobs from the WIP Manager:
- Select Business > Work in Progress.
- Use the checkboxes to select one or more jobs.
- Click Remove.
- (optional) In the Remove dialog, choose the job status that you want the jobs to be changed to after they have been removed. For example you may want to change the job status to Completed, or Cancelled, or you may have a custom job status you want to use. If you do not select a job status, the jobs will remain in whatever job status they are currently in.
- Click Remove.
- confirms that the jobs have been removed from WIP
- any un-invoiced entries will be written off, and
- the job status will be updated if you selected one.
Reinstating written off WIP
You can reinstate all of a job's written-off WIP – should you ever need to – by using the Job Manager, Job Actions > + Undo Write Off option for the selected job.