A purchase order Purchase orders are used to order items that may be used during work on your jobs. You can create a purchase order for items for a single job, or a purchase order for items for several jobs (a bulk purchase order). can be created in the Job Manager to purchase a range of goods and services from a selected supplier, for a single job.
To create a purchase order in the Job Manager:
- In the Jobs menu, select Jobs.
- On the Job Manager screen, drill down on the job number of the job you wish to create the purchase order for.
Any existing purchase orders for this job are listed under Financials tab in the Purchase Orders section.
- Click Job Actions > + New Purchase Order.
- On the New Purchase Order screen, fill in the purchase order details. For more information about each field, open the field reference section below.
field reference
Field Description Supplier The supplier of the goods/services being ordered. Select a supplier from the drop-down list.
All the cost items on a specific purchase order must be from the same supplier. If you need to order items from several suppliers, create a purchase order for each supplier.
Description Description of the purchase order. The text you type here is included in the purchase order.
Delivery Address The address that the ordered items are to be sent to.
field reference
- If there are unordered cost items associated with the selected job, these are displayed under the Costs from Job section below the Delivery Address field. Select each cost item that you wish to include in the purchase order. You can add more cost items on the next screen, if required.
The Unit Cost of each item is the cost that is used in the purchase order, as it is what you expect to pay for the item (excluding tax) from the supplier. The Unit Price is the price you sell the item to your client for (excluding tax) and is calculated from the Unit Cost, plus a Markup%.
- Next. The Purchase Order information screen is displayed.
- If you wish to include additional cost items in the purchase order:
- Click the + Add A Cost button, then fill in the details about each cost item. For more information about each field, open the field reference section below.
field reference
Field Description Cost Name Name of the item whose cost is to be included in the purchase order. The text you type is matched against the cost items, stored in the Cost Admin database (
> Settings > General Settings > Costs), so that you can select one of these items if you wish. To select a cost item, click the item you want to use.
Alternatively, you can just type in the name of a new cost item (which is added to the purchase order but not to the Cost Admin database). Any new cost items added to the purchase order in this way will be added to the job when the purchase order is receipted. To select the cost name you typed, click Create <costname> at the bottom of the search drop-down.
Quantity The number of items required. This could be a simple count of the number of items or a number of units (10 metres of cable, for example). Unit Cost The expected cost per item (excluding tax) that you will pay your supplier.
Cost Code The supplier's or manufacturer's code for the item. Type Select Stock for physical inventory you receive or Service for non-tangible offerings such as contractor fees, or a service or freight charge. Selecting Stock adds a step for receiving physical items in the purchase order process. Tax 1, Tax 2 The tax rate to apply to the item. You can select two tax rates if you need to apply tax at a local and a federal level, for example. These tax rates are set in your Organisation settings. Cost Notes Any notes you wish to include on the purchase order for this item.
field reference
- Add. The item is added to the purchase order.
- Repeat Steps a–c to add further cost items to the purchase order, as required.
- Click the + Add A Cost button, then fill in the details about each cost item. For more information about each field, open the field reference section below.
- Check that the information shown is correct then click one of the following option buttons.
Once a purchase order has been issued, the financial details it contains cannot be changed.
option buttons reference
Button Description Delete Purchase Order Deletes the current draft purchase order. Save as Draft Saves current purchase order information and displays the main Purchase Order Manager screen. You can edit purchase orders while they are still in the draft state. Issue & Print Changes purchase order status to Issued, saves the current purchase order information and displays the Print Purchase Order screen. Issue & Receipt Changes purchase order status to Issued, saves the current purchase order information and displays the Purchase Order detail screen. If the purchase order contains Stock type items, you can click the Receive Stock button to receive a stock delivery into . Issue Changes purchase order status to Issued, saves current purchase order information and displays the main Purchase Order Manager screen.
option buttons reference
Related tasks
- Print, email, or export a purchase order