The client relationship feature is available for Premium accounts only.
To create a client relationship:
- In the main menu, select Clients.
- On the Client Manager screen, Clients tab, drill down on the name of the client.
- On the client Overview tab, scroll down and click the + Add Relationship link, at right.
- In the New Relationship dialog, provide the following information, as required.
Field Description Relationship Type This is the relationship that you wish to define between the currently select client and another related client (identified below). Select the type of relationship from the drop-down list, Director, for example. Related Client This is the client you want to relate the currently selected client to. Select a client from the drop-down list. Number of Shares This field is available only if the Relationship Type is Shareholder. Type in the number of shares, as required. Start Date A start date for this relationship, if applicable. Select a date from the calendar. End Date An end date for this relationship, if applicable. Select a date from the calendar. - Save your changes. The relationship type and number of clients in the relationship is displayed on the client overview screen, below the + Add Relationship link.
Upgrading to Premium
If you are interested in upgrading to Premium you can do this yourself by following the instructions in the article Change your subscription plan (Standard or Premium). If you have any questions about the upgrade, please contact support.