You can change your password once you have logged into or, if you have forgotten your password, request a new password before you log in.
Password requirements
Your new password must:
- be eight (8) or more characters long, and
- contain at least one number, and
- contain an uppercase and lowercase character, and
- contain a symbol.
Changing your current password
To change your current password in :
- Click your initials or profile image at the top-right of the screen, then select Profile Settings.
- On the Profile Settings screen, click Change Password. The Change Password dialog opens.
- Type your current password to authorise the change.
- Type your new password and re-type to confirm.
- Click Save to save your changes.
Requesting a new password
If you forget your password, you can request a new one.
- On the login screen, follow the I've forgotten my password link to below the Log in button.
- Type the email address that you want the reset password link to be sent to. The email address must be a registered user address.
- Click Send link. will send you an email that contains a link to reset your password. The email may go into your spam folder.