Purchase orders are used to order items that may be used during work on your jobs.
The Purchase Order Manager lets you keep track of items on order and determine your future financial commitments.
The purchase order process
The purchase order process consists of two stages:
- Create a purchase order. The purchase order can relate to items required for a specific job or for items required for multiple jobs (a bulk purchase order). You can include any of the job's unordered cost items on the purchase order, and include additional cost items if you wish.
- Receive items. When the ordered items are delivered, you can create a full or (if some items are not delivered) a partial receipt. Any additional cost items will be added to the job when you receipt them.
Ordered items can be of type Stock or type Service. Stock items are physical inventory items, such as building materials, and Service items are charges for services used, such as photocopying, printing or mileage. When receiving items, Stock items require an additional processing step compared to Service items.