The optional Lead Manager allows you to create and track leads A lead is a possible sale opportunity for a new or existing client. , view details of past leads, and helps you manage those leads or opportunities.
Each client can potentially have many leads associated with them.
Leads are usually created as the first stage in the Typical job flow.
Before you begin
Before you create your first lead in , open the following drop-downs to find out more about:
Lead activities
Lead activities are tasks or to-do items that you can add to a lead. They can act as reminders to ensure that you (or another staff member) fully progress the lead within a set time (such as following up with the client).
For details, see About lead activities.
Lead categories
Lead categories are used to group leads for reporting purposes. For example, they could be used to identify:
- the probability of a lead becoming a job: Hot, Warm, Cold, or
- the type of work this lead relates to: Website, Brochure, Annual accounts, Property maintenance.
Lead categories are one of the two types of lead settings.
Lead documents
Documents can be stored directly against leads so you can access relevant information directly within the lead. Everyone who can see the lead will be able to see the documents against it, streamlining collaboration within your team.
Lead notes
Notes can be stored directly against leads so you no longer have to hunt around for sticky notes or scrap pieces of paper. Everyone who can see the lead will be able to see the notes against it, streamlining collaboration within your team.
For details, see About lead notes.
Lead status
In , a lead can be in one of the following Statuses:
- Current – an active lead. Newly created leads are Current, and you can change Won or Lost leads to Current to make them active again, if required. Current leads appear in the All Leads tab, the My Leads tab and the Active Leads tab in the Lead Manager screen.
- Won – a successful lead. You can easily make a won lead into a new job. Won leads appear in the All Leads tab and My Leads tab.
- Lost – an unsuccessful lead. Lost leads appear in the All Leads tab and My Leads tab.
Lead templates
A lead template allows you to identify pre-defined activities that need to be carried out as you progress each lead. Each lead template can specify the activities for a lead relating to a specific type of work.
Lead templates are one of the two types of lead settings.
Links between leads and quotes or estimates
Each lead can be linked to one or more quotes or estimates.
The linkage between leads and quotes or estimates:
- provides rapid access (in both directions) between the lead and any related quotes or estimates
- reduces the work required to create a job when the lead is won (or when the quote or estimate is accepted).
The link between a lead and a quote or estimate can be set up by:
- creating a quote or estimate based on a lead
- adding existing quotes or estimates to a lead
- creating a lead from a quote or estimate.
The last option above allows you to retrospectively create leads from quotes or estimates. This is useful, as it lets you use Lead Manager to track and manage all your quotes or estimates, not just those that were originally based on leads.
Working with leads
Related activities
- Import leads
- Move between leads and linked quotes or estimates