In , the term 'costs' is used to refer to expenses that you will incur when working on jobs. These costs may relate to physical items (such as plant, machinery, consumables) or to other disbursements A disbursement is a payment made by an organisation or individual to a third party and then on-charged to (or claimed back from) the client. In , disbursements can be set up as costs on a job. or expenses such as mileage or subcontractors.
When you are preparing a quote or estimate, you can include estimated or actual costs for items that you know will be required for the job. And later, when the job is in progress, you can add further cost items if necessary. Cost items can be added to invoices as well, to ensure that all costs can be passed on to the client, if required.
The cost items you use can be local to the current quote, estimate, job or invoice (and therefore only visible there), or frequently used cost items can be set up in the Cost Admin database.
More about the Cost Admin database...
Costs that are likely to be used in more than one job can be stored in the Cost Admin database (
> General Settings > Costs).
When you are working on an estimate, quote or job you can quickly access a cost from the database, simply by typing its name in the description field (on the cost information screen).
When you are setting up , you can add costs directly to the Cost Admin database, or you can import costs in bulk from an external source.
When new cost items are added to a job, they will also be added automatically to the Cost Admin database if the Organisation settings (Job section) checkbox When adding a cost to a job, also add the cost to Cost Admin is selected.
Working with costs
Related tasks
- Import costs
- Export costs
- Add multiple costs from quotes to cost admin
- Add multiple costs from jobs to cost admin