In staff perform work for clients, usually on a billable basis.
As part of the setup process, staff are added as users A user is anyone (staff, manager, administrator, employee, subcontractor) who: * needs to log in to to administer or use it; and/or * needs to have their time recorded against tasks that are assigned to them, regardless of whether they or someone else logs that time. . Staff can then be assigned directly to one or more jobs A job is the overall project that you or your organisation works on for a client. , as required.
Each staff member needs to have their own login to be able to enter time against a job.
Working with staff
Job staffing
- Allocate a staff member to multiple jobs
- Allocate staff to a task
- Assign a client manager to one or more jobs
- Assign a job manager to one or more jobs
- Remove a staff member from multiple jobs
- Remove one or more staff from a job
- Staff allocation view
Related articles
Related tasks
- Import staff (WorkflowMax Premium only)