To help you keep track of project reports, plans, tenders and other documents, allows you to load these documents directly into the Documents tab in various areas of the product. The documents can be stored within itself or in a third-party document management system such as Dropbox or Google Drive.
Short notes can be loaded into the Notes tab in most areas of the product. These notes can be assigned manually or loaded automatically from emails. For further information on assigning documents and notes, see the article about the collaboration manager.
Comments can be added to notes to allow you to raise or answer questions about the note directly within .
Availability of documents, notes and comments
The following table shows how various areas of support documents, notes and comments.
Document, note and comment items can be added in several ways to various areas of :
- (M) Manually by going to the Documents or Notes tab in the specific area.
- (AE) Automatically by sending an email directly to a specific job, quote or estimate.
- (ME) Manually by assigning an email message to a selected item.
Area of product | Documents | Notes | Comments |
Client | M, ME | M, ME | M |
Job | M, AE, ME | M, AE, ME | M |
Job task | - | M | M |
Lead | M, ME | M, ME | M |
Quote or estimate | M, AE, ME | M, AE, ME | M |
Supplier | M | M | M |